Sock UpdateRemember the pile of socks I showed you on
Thursday? I successfully sorted through them. It didn’t take very long at all. The results? Hang on to your hats. I had forty-nine (49) pairs of socks, twenty (20) leftover socks (that I am keeping in case their partners appear) and one pair of gloves. Gloves? The gloves went back to their home in the foyer closet. That means there were 118 socks in that pile. The basket didn't look that full.
Steve and Olivia reaped the greatest benefits of this sock-sorting marathon. I had two or three pair in the mix. They were surprised to see how many socks they were actually missing.
So there you have it. I can’t throw away anything. But this time it was a good thing. The sock drawer overfloweth.
Meal PlanMonday – Leftovers from Saturday’s Mexican feast (was yummy)
Tuesday – Chicken Scampi, salad, bread
Wednesday – Crockpot roast beef, potatoes, onions, carrots, green beans, bread
Thursday – Bean Soup, cornbread
Friday – Chicken wings, onion rings
Saturday – Pizza
Sunday – TBD
For more menu plan ideas, go
here. Today she has a list of criteria she uses to select recipes. Very interesting.
Daily Bible Reading PlanI Samuel 3-5; Psalm 96; Matthew 10:1-16; II Corinthians 1:12-24
You know, I am amazed at how I can see things as if for the first time when I read the Bible. Friday I began reading in I Samuel. I have read the story of Samuel many times. Usually my focus was on Hannah, her barrenness and how she prayed to have a son of her own. And it is wonderful to see how God honored Hannah’s faithfulness.
What I saw Friday, however, was Elkanah, Hannah’s husband. Elkanah had another wife, Peninnah, and she bore sons and daughters for Elkanah. He was a faithful man and regularly offered sacrifices to the Lord. When he did, he gave portions of the meat to his wife, Peninnah and her sons and daughters. However, to Hannah “he gave a double portion because he loved her, and the LORD had closed her womb.”
He loved her. The Bible says so. It must have been an amazing love if it was notable enough to record in scripture. Here’s additional proof:
Each year Hannah went to the temple, Peninnah teased and tormented her about her inability to have children. Hannah would become so distraught she would cry and lose her appetite.
When Elkanah would see Hannah crying, his response was, “Hannah, why are you weeping? Why don't you eat? Why are you downhearted? Don't I mean more to you than ten sons?"
I think that’s one of the sweetest things between husband and wife I have seen recorded in the Bible. Yes, Isaac loved Rebeccah, and Jacob loved Rachel. Solomon
really loved someone (read the book), Hosea loved Gomer, and Joseph loved Mary. But Elkanah’s words touched my heart. He wanted to comfort her by letting her know (in his way) that it didn’t matter to him that she had no children. He loved
her. Precious.
So Elkanah receives my Best Bible Husband award – at least for now.
I hope you have a great day! Thanks for stopping by!
Blessings and hugs!