I once used Google quite often when I need to find a quick answer online.
Recently I learned about Swagbucks. Swagbucks is an online search engine that gives points/rewards for online searches. I read of someone who had earned enough in Swagbucks over four months to trade for hundreds of dollars in gift cards.
Swagbucks is very simple to sign up for. There are no fees. No credit card is required. And no phone number or address is requested.
You immediately receive 3 points credited to your account. You have the option to download the toolbar. As you search online you will earn a few more points. You can shop from their store with only 1 point. You can get a free $5 Amazon gift card for 45 points. A Starbucks gift card can be yours for 50 points. There are countless prizes.
Greater rewards occur when you refer others. Your points will then multiply by leaps and bounds.
Tell your friends about Swagbucks and give them your referral link. You will earn points for the referral, and you will also earn points for their online searches.
The more people you tell, the more points you earn. The more points you earn, the more free stuff you get. Lavonne funded her entire Christmas budget with free gift cards from Swagbucks. No joke! See her post here with the details.
Since early March I have earned 60 points with my own searches (no referrals).
You have absolutely nothing to lose and some free stuff to gain! Go here to sign up!
I Samuel 11-13; Psalm 99; Mark 11:1-11; II Corinthians 4
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