Monday, April 27, 2009

Make Me A Blessing, Menu Plan Monday

Jon at Stuff Christians Like recently asked readers to share an anthem that is currently playing in the background of their lives. It could be a song, a poem, scripture – anything that provides a theme for where they are personally. He was going to select three for a giveaway.

myjoy was one of those selected for the giveaway. Her post touched my heart. I want to share it with you here:

My anthem right now is Ephesians 4:29, it's everywhere around me, in sermons, in studies, on TV, everywhere! God is clearly trying to tell me something.

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

God is challenging me to have everyone be better off than before they talked to me.

And today I just had a revelation. It's not just directed at other people. It's also about what I tell myself. Is my internal dialogue helpful for building me up? Or am I tearing myself down? Am I better off after hearing my own voice, than when I started? Or do I remain dejected, discouraged?

So I pray God will use this verse to change my heart, to tame my tongue, that the same mouth I use to bless His name I do not use to curse others or myself. (emphasis added)

I’ve really been thinking about this a great deal. How many times have I been guilty of letting my words tear down instead of build up? I am especially guilty of this with my family.

I am joining myjoy in praying that I, through my words, can be a blessing to others. And additionally, I pray that the Spirit will plant those words.

Though I don’t have personal contact with a great number of people on a daily or even weekly basis, I have the potential of touching others through this site. Hopefully those who visit will leave encouraged, whether it’s through discussions like this or from reading tips or hints or how-to’s that we might share with one another.

Make me a blessing! Make me a blessing!
Out of my life may Jesus shine.
Make me a blessing, Oh Savior I pray!
Make me a blessing to someone today!

Thanks for visiting. God bless your day.

Meal Plan Monday

Monday - Lasagna, Salad, Bread
Tuesday - Rotisserie Chicken (from Sam’s), green beans, corn on the cob
Wednesday - Grilled Salmon or Mahi (whichever is the best buy), steamed broccoli, parsley red potatoes
Thursday - Grilled pork chops, sautéed spinach, rice w/vegetables
Friday - Grilled hamburgers, oven fries, baked beans
Saturday (Derby Day Guests ) - Mexican Bar: grilled and shredded flank stank and chicken, black beans, refried beans, Mexican rice, guacamole, cheese dip, salsa, vegetable tray, fruit tray, Derby Pie (naturally)
Sunday - Out

For other menu planning ideas, check out Menu Plan Monday at I'm An Organizing Junkie.

Daily Bible Reading Plan

Judges 20-21; Psalm 91; Mark 8:22-30; I Corinthians 14:26-40


  1. WOW! I came to welcome you to MPM...but I was the one welcomed and blessed by your post this morning!! LOVE the scripture. I am going to make that my challenge this week (and in life too!) I post a weekly scripture on my blog and am off to add this..

    Thanks - I was lead here for a reason. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Erin. And thanks for leaving enccouraging words. I hope you visit again soon!

  3. Thanks, Jenny!! I very much needed to be reminded of this Scripture this morning!! Your blog is truly a blessing. Thank you so much for sharing :0) Donna


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